报告题目:High-dimensional robust inference for censored linear models 报告摘要:Due to the directly statistical interpretation, censored linear regression offers a valuable complement to the Cox proportional hazards regression in surviva...[详细]
报告一题目:The normalized expectation-maximization (N-EM) algorithm (正则化的EM算法)报告摘要:Although the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is a powerful optimization tool in statistics, it can only be applied to missing/incomplet...[详细]
报告题目:Structured backward error analysis for (generalized) saddle point problems报告摘要:Recently, the structured backward errors for the generalized saddle point problems with some different structures have been studied by some aut...[详细]
统计学院讯(通讯员:郝雨娟) 12月12日上午,我院第三届研究生羽毛球师生联谊赛成功举办。统计学院研究生各年级代表和部分教职工参加了本次比赛。经过近四个小时紧张激烈地角逐,共产生三组冠军,分别为男子双打冠军孙中洋、周玉亮,女子双打冠军赵宇欣、...[详细]
报告题目:从矩阵到张量摘要:简要介绍从矩阵到张量的历史发展,使大家对张量的发展有所了解报告时间:2021/12/03 19:30-20:30 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京报告地点:腾讯会议ID:221-879-019主办单位:统计学院专家简介:魏益民是复旦大学数学科学学...[详细]
报告题目:New algorithms for trace-ratio problem with application to high-dimension and large-sample data dimensionality reduction摘要:Learning large-scale data sets with high dimensionality is a main concern in research areas including...[详细]